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Roof Repair or Replacement?

Please understand that no homeowners are excited to Repair or Replace their Roofs. However, your Roof is an essential part of the structure of your home. Therefore, whether you choose Roof Repair or Replacement – you need to complete the job before minor Roofing problems become major structural damage.

But how do you know if you can get by with Roof Repairs or need a complete Roof Replacement? As a Licensed, Bonded and Insured Roofing Contractor, we would like to walk you through this significant financial decision! (Financing Options Available.)

Signs You Need a New Roof

Is it time to Replace your Roof, or can you get by with having your Roof Repaired?

Here are the signs you need a total roof replacement.

The old Roof is damaged in several sections -

You might be able to extend your Roof’s Lifespan if the Roof damage is contained to a small portion of the current roof. After all, a skilled contractor using your spare shingles can fix leaks and Replace the damaged Roofing material.

However, if the roof is leaking in several areas or if you find yourself repeatedly paying to replace “a few shingles,” it might be time to replace the entire Roof.

You are concerned about matching Roof shingles -

Your home is your castle, and we know you work hard to enhance its curb appeal. Perhaps you have had a few asphalt shingles replaced in the past. Even though that may have stopped your Roof leak, you might not be happy with the patchwork of colors on your roof.

Repairing your Roof is no longer cost-effective -

A full Roof Replacement isn’t cheap, but neither are constant Roof Repairs.

So, you may save money in the long run by tearing off an older Roof and replacing it with new Roofing materials.

Your Roof has reached its Lifespan -

Asphalt Roofs don’t last forever. In fact, if you can get two decades out of a Roofing system, consider yourself lucky!

Your Roof is "not compliant"? (building code/s or insurance?)

Does your Community have an HOA that doesn't allow Roofs to have layers of shingles & ONLY allows Roof Replacement? Insurance Regulations or possible requirement for renewal? Did you know that areas often have building codes that limit the number of layers you can add to an old Roof?

You might be required to complete an entire Roof Replacement.

Your home has structural damage -

Your Residential Roof is an integral part of the structure of your house. If your Roof has been ignored for a few years, you might begin to see a warning sign of other minor damage on different parts of the structure. For example, Roof failure can lead to minor to extreme leaks, wood rot, nail pops inside the home (due to structural movement), damage to the roof deck, or a sagging roof.

Ready for a Free Professional Roof Consultation?

Contact Booth Brothers Construction!

We are a Local & Family-Owned Roofing Company that you can trust for your Roof Replacement, Roof Repair/s, Siding Installation and more! (Financing Available!)


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